More Questions And Answers On Centering Prayer Thomas Keating At Folsom Prison

Fr. Thomas Keating answers questions from a Centering Prayer group in Folsom Prison in Northern California 9/17/99. He discusses the spiritual journey, the awareness of who are are, Centering Prayer as the 11th Step, and how growth in the sense of God's presence will heal us more than our own efforts. Regarding other religions, he encourages us to open our minds to a bigger idea of Christ and the mystery of salvation.

For info and worldwide support groups on Centering Prayer, visit Contemplative Outreach at

For info and support on prison outreach using Centering Prayer, visit Prison Contemplative Fellowship at and the Contemplative Outreach Prison Outreach Service Team at

A reflection on Centering Prayer at Folsom Prison, "In Prison with Thomas Keating," by Judith Koock Strassman, begins in the description to the video at

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