Centering Prayer Revisited By Thomas Keating Part 2 Q A

Fr. Thomas Keating and two other Trappists began the Centering Prayer movement in the 1970's to renew the Christian tradition of contemplation. Go to Contemplative Outreach which he co-founded, at, for more information on Centering Prayer, including retreats and local chapters that offer support to practitioners at all levels in the U.S. and around the world.

This talk was recorded at a September 1997 conference in Louisville, KY. Part 1, which preceded this question & answer session, is at

  • Centering Prayer Revisited, by Thomas Keating - Part 2: Q & A ( Download)
  • Who is Called to be a Contemplative by Thomas Keating - Part 2: Q & A ( Download)
  • Contemplative Vision: Presentation Two, Thomas Keating ( Download)
  • Practical Questions and Answers on Centering Prayer, with Thomas Keating ( Download)
  • More Questions and Answers on Centering Prayer - Thomas Keating at Folsom Prison ( Download)
  • 1b. Prayer as Relating to God, Part 2, with Thomas Keating ( Download)
  • How Centering Prayer Helps Us - Thomas Keating at Folsom Prison ( Download)
  • Thomas Keating Answers More Questions on Centering Prayer as the 11th Step in a 12 Step Program ( Download)
  • Q&A with Thomas Keating on the Christian Contemplative Heritage, Our Apophatic Tradition ( Download)
  • 5a. Progress in Centering Prayer, Part 1, with Thomas Keating ( Download)
  • Love in Christianity - Parts 1 & 2, Thomas Keating ( Download)
  • Unity in Contemplation, Thomas Keating, Talk One: The Divine Economy ( Download)
  • The Gifts of the Holy Spirit Part 2 - Contemplative Gifts and the Five Tracks, by Thomas Keating ( Download)
  • Ecumenism: Question and Answer Session with Thomas Keating ( Download)
  • Questions and Answers on Centering Prayer - Thomas Keating at Folsom Prison ( Download)