Marina Vishmid – Antarctica A Symposium On Alienation

As a prelude to the exhibition "Antarctica. An Exhibition on Alienation" at Kunsthalle Wien, Tanzquartier Wien and Kunsthalle Wien organized a symposium on this term. The symposium aimed to discuss and examine the (im/)plausibility of the concept of “alienation” today, and to engender a critical re-reading, with a view to its genealogy as well as its applicability to present-day political and aesthetic phenomena.

In her presentation "Relatable Alienation: The Logic and History of an Idea" Marina Vishmidt intervenes on the hypothesis that the role of the artist is distinguished by unalienated labour in three stages and a coda:
1. Outlining the difference between alienation and objectification
2. What is alienated and what is not alienated about artistic labour?
3. What is the role of exceptionality in the rule of the capitalist form of value more generally?

  • Marina Vishmid – Antarctica. A Symposium on Alienation ( Download)
  • Angela Dimitrakaki – Antarctica. A Symposium on Alienation ( Download)
  • Kerstin Stakemeier – Antarctica. A Symposium on Alienation ( Download)
  • Isabella Fürnkäs. Blind Land – Antarctica. An Exhibition on Alienation ( Download)
  • Ian Wallace & Vanessa Joan Müller – Antarctica. An Exhibition on Alienation ( Download)
  • Keynote talk by Marina Vishmidt, 12-Hour Action Group, 3 Dec 2016, Cooper Gallery DJCAD ( Download)
  • MARINA VISHMIDT – 1856 ( Download)
  • Amy Tobin & Marina Vishmidt 'Shedding Skins ...' 12-Hour Action Group, 3 Dec 2016 ( Download)
  • Momentum 9 Nordic Biennial of Contemporary Art: ‘Alienation’ ( Download)
  • Zoe Sutherland/Marina Vishmidt: Difference and the Universal in Legacies of Feminism ( Download)
  • Art is Not a Commodity | Session 4: ART & WORK | Marina Vishmidt, Josefine Wikström, Gail Day ( Download)
  • Marina Vishmidt: 'Feeling Things, or what would some contemporary Pathos-Forms look like', 23.03.16 ( Download)
  • Dr. Marina Vischmidt - The Redistribution of Time: Responsibility and Negation Midst the Plethora ( Download)
  • What is to be done under Real Subsumption #4 ( Download)
  • alienation配信。オーパーツ集めしていくよん! ( Download)