Amy Tobin Marina Vishmidt Shedding Skins 12 Hour Action Group 3 Dec 2016

Shedding Skins and Making Appearances: In the Cage
Presented by Amy Tobin and Marina Vishmidt on behalf of Channels.

Of Other Spaces: Where Does Gesture Become Event?
International Symposium
12-Hour Action Group
Saturday 3 December 2016, 11:00am - 11:00pm
Cooper Gallery, DJCAD

Keynote Speakers: Amelia Jones, Lynda Morris, Laura Mulvey, Adele Patrick and Marina Vishmidt.

Contributors: Anne Bean; James Bell; Tessa Berring; Anne Laure Coxam; Lynn Davidson; Cullinan Richards; Gordon Douglas; Rose English; Laura Edbrook and Sarah Forrest (Sick Sick Sick); Georgi Gill; Marjorie Lotfi Gill; Althea Greenan; Jane Goldman; Victoria Horne; Kirsty Logan, Linder; Katharine Meynell; Rachel McCrum; Jane McKie; Theresa Munoz; Annabel Nicolson; Su Richardson; Hannah O’Shea; Sarah Smart; Catherine Spencer; Alice Tarbuck; Amy Tobin; Karen Veitch; JL Williams.

Ringmistresses: Beth Bate, Cullinan Richards, Sophia Hao and Catherine Spencer.

  • Amy Tobin & Marina Vishmidt 'Shedding Skins ...' 12-Hour Action Group, 3 Dec 2016 ( Download)
  • Keynote talk by Marina Vishmidt, 12-Hour Action Group, 3 Dec 2016, Cooper Gallery DJCAD ( Download)
  • Action Group Round Table Discussion, 12-Hour Action Group, 3 Dec 2016, Cooper Gallery DJCAD ( Download)
  • Zoe Sutherland/Marina Vishmidt: Difference and the Universal in Legacies of Feminism ( Download)
  • Amy TOBIN and Cora GILROY-WARE in conversation on Rose ENGLISH ( Download)
  • Linderism Exhibition Tour with Curator, Amy Tobin ( Download)
  • Women In Conceptual Art | Morning Q&A: A K Dolven, Amy Tobin & Ami Clarke ( Download)
  • Marina Vishmidt: 'Feeling Things, or what would some contemporary Pathos-Forms look like', 23.03.16 ( Download)
  • Women In Conceptual Art | Amy Tobin: Conceptual Art Daily ( Download)
  • Danny Hayward and Marina Vishmidt - LOADING TERMINAL ( Download)
  • Marina Vishmid – Antarctica. A Symposium on Alienation ( Download)
  • Kathryn Russell: Alliances among Labor, Racial Justice and Environmental Activists ( Download)
  • Alice Tarbuck reads Fortune Telling at No Matter ( Download)
  • Speculative Finance, Speculative Fiction ( Download)
  • Now You Can Go - Marina Vishmidt ( Download)