King V Burwell Obamacare And The Supreme Court

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There's another case concerning the Affordable Care Act that's hitting the Supreme Court, and it's a big deal. It has the potential to strip subsidies that help buy health insurance from millions of people across the country. The case is known as King v. Burwell, and it's the topic of this week's Healthcare Triage.

For those of you who want to read more, go here:

John Green -- Executive Producer
Stan Muller -- Director, Producer
Aaron Carroll -- Writer
Mark Olsen - Graphics

  • King V. Burwell, Obamacare, and the Supreme Court ( Download)
  • Obamacare at the Supreme Court: Damon Root on King v. Burwell ( Download)
  • King v. Burwell at the Supreme Court ( Download)
  • Killing ObamaCare: Explaining King vs Burwell ( Download)
  • Two Americas | ObamaCare, The Supreme Court & King v. Burwell ( Download)
  • King v. Burwell (2015) Overview | LSData Case Brief Video Summary ( Download)
  • King v. Burwell: What are the consequences ( Download)
  • Understanding King v. Burwell - The Supreme Court's Obamacare Decision ( Download)
  • King v. Burwell: Obamacare Supporters, Critics Clash at Supreme Court ( Download)
  • Avik Roy on Obamacare's King v. Burwell Oral Argument 2015-03-04 ( Download)
  • King v Burwell (Another Obamacare Case) ( Download)
  • King v. Burwell: Why the IRS Obamacare Handouts Should Lose at the Supreme Court ( Download)
  • King v. Burwell Explained in 3 Minutes ( Download)
  • The King v. Burwell Decision and the Affordable Care Act ( Download)
  • King v. Burwell: Obamacare on the Brink ( Download)