Understanding King V Burwell The Supreme Courts Obamacare Decision

This video explains how the Supreme Court decided King v. Burwell, along with some important criticisms.

  • Understanding King v. Burwell - The Supreme Court's Obamacare Decision ( Download)
  • King V. Burwell, Obamacare, and the Supreme Court ( Download)
  • Eight Important Facts About the King v. Burwell Decision ( Download)
  • Killing ObamaCare: Explaining King vs Burwell ( Download)
  • The King v. Burwell Decision and the Affordable Care Act ( Download)
  • King v. Burwell Explained in 3 Minutes ( Download)
  • King v. Burwell at the Supreme Court ( Download)
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  • Affordable Care Act Subsidies: The Impact of the Supreme Court’s King v. Burwell Decision ( Download)
  • Obamacare at the Supreme Court: Damon Root on King v. Burwell ( Download)
  • Supreme Court Upholds Obamacare in King v. Burwell Decision ( Download)
  • King v. Burwell: What are the consequences ( Download)
  • Obamacare's Supreme Court arguments, explained in 2 minutes ( Download)
  • The Supreme Court’s Decision In King v. Burwell Could Affect Your Pocketbook ( Download)
  • King v. Burwell Supreme Court Decision ( Download)