Heritage In Focus Negotiating Medicare Drug Prices

Government negotiations of prices for Medicare prescription drugs could endanger choice and savings for seniors

  • Heritage In Focus: Negotiating Medicare Drug Prices ( Download)
  • Highlights: What Role Should Government Play in Drug Price Negotiations ( Download)
  • Reining in prescription drug prices: Framework for negotiation in Part D of Medicare ( Download)
  • Debate: Allow Medicare to negotiate for lower prescription drug prices ( Download)
  • Dr Tricia Neuman on the Call to Let Medicare Negotiate Drug Prices ( Download)
  • Bernie Sanders: Medicare Should Be Able To Negotiate Drug Prices ( Download)
  • Drug Price Negotiation by CMS ( Download)
  • Heritage In Focus: Mandatory Collective Bargaining ( Download)
  • Prescription drug prices on the negotiating table with debate on federal bill ( Download)
  • Spicer Says Trump Backs Medicare Drug Price Negotiating ( Download)
  • Baldwin Questions Price on Medicare Drug Price Negotiations ( Download)
  • Government Intervention in Drug Pricing ( Download)
  • Why Medicare Policies Drive Up Drug Prices ( Download)
  • How a potential Senate deal could lower health care costs for millions of Americans ( Download)
  • What!!! Medicare Doesn't Negotiate Drug Prices ( Download)