Francesco Albanese Chella De Rrose With Translation 1942

She whom I always asked for roses
Full of freshness and sympathy
No longer passes this way.
I wonder what they said against me?
And all her friends, one by one,
Pass by me...
She of the roses, she of the roses,
I no longer see.....I knew the name but not the house,
Where I woud go to tell her that I love her.
Now that I want to see her, she no longer comes.
No one will tell me the truth...they just pass by.
Now, all that's left for me are the thorns, no longer the roses.
She left me without ever saying goodbye.
Perhaps for another love she has betrayed me.
Who might he be? I want to know!
And all her friends pass me by, one by one.
But not one...not one person—will tell me the truth.