Exodus Amplified Bible

Greetings fellow believers :)
Amplified Bible - Exodus

Exodus 1 - Israel Multiplies in Egypt
Exodus 2 - 02:56 - The Birth of Moses - Moses Escapes Midian
Exodus 3 - 06:51 - The Burning Bush - The Mission of Moses
Exodus 4 - 11:25 - Moses Given Powers - Aaron to Speak for Moses
Exodus 5 - 16:33 - Israel’s Labor Increased
Exodus 6 - 19:50 - God Promises Action - The Heads of Israel
Exodus 7 - 24:29 - “I Will Stretch Out My Hand” - Aaron’s Rod Becomes a Serpent - Water is Turned to Blood
Exodus 8 - 28:28 - Frogs over the Land - The Plagues of Gnats and Insects
Exodus 9 - 34:01 - Egyptian Cattle Die - The Plague of Boils - The Plague of Hail
Exodus 10 - 39:43 - The Plague of Locusts - Darkness over the Land
Exodus 11 - 44:49 - The Last Plague
Exodus 12 - 46:40 - The Passover Lamb - Feast of Unleavened Bread - A Memorial of Redemption - Exodus of Israel - Ordinance of the Passover
Exodus 13 - 55:15 - Consecration of the Firstborn - God Leads the People
Exodus 14 - 59:27 - Pharaoh in Pursuit - The Sea Is Divided
Exodus 15 - 01:04:54 - The Song of Moses and Israel - The LORD Provides Water
Exodus 16 - 01:09:24 - The LORD Provides Manna - The LORD Provides Meat - The Sabbath Observed
Exodus 17 - 01:14:53 - Water in the Rock - Amalek Fought
Exodus 18 - 01:17:47 - Jethro, Moses’ Father-in-law - Jethro Counsels Moses
Exodus 19 - 01:22:11 - Moses on Sinai - The LORD Visits Sinai
Exodus 20 - 01:26:23 - The Ten Commandments
Exodus 21 - 01:30:35 - Ordinances for the People - Personal Injuries
Exodus 22 - 01:35:43 - Property Rights - Various Laws
Exodus 23 - 01:40:22 - Various Laws - The Sabbath and Land - Three National Feasts - Conquest of the Land
Exodus 24 - 01:45:45 - People Affirm Their Covenant with God
Exodus 25 - 01:48:36 - Offerings for the Sanctuary - Ark of the Covenant - The Table of Bread - The Golden Lampstand
Exodus 26 - 01:53:54 - Curtains of Linen - Curtains of Goats’ Hair - Board and Sockets - The Veil and Screen
Exodus 27 - 01:59:16 - The Bronze Altar - Court of the Tabernacle
Exodus 28 - 02:02:38 - Garments of the Priests
Exodus 29 - 02:09:35 - Consecration of the Priests - The Sacrifices - Food of the Priests
Exodus 30 - 02:16:56 - The Altar of Incense - The Ransom Money - The Bronze Basin - The Anointing Oil - The Incense
Exodus 31 - 02:22:26 - The Skilled Craftsmen - The Sign of the Sabbath
Exodus 32 - 02:25:08 - The Golden Calf - Moses’ Entreaty - Moses’ Anger
Exodus 33 - 02:31:07 - The Journey Resumed - Moses Intercedes
Exodus 34 - 02:35:07 - The Two Tablets Replaced - The Covenant Renewed - Moses’ Face Shines
Exodus 35 - 02:41:36 - The Sabbath Emphasized - The Tabernacle Workmen - Gifts Received
Exodus 36 - 02:46:36 - The Tabernacle Underwritten - Construction Proceeds
Exodus 37 - 02:51:42 - Construction Continues
Exodus 38 - 02:55:38 - The Tabernacle Completed - The Cost of the Tabernacle
Exodus 39 - 03:00:41 - The Priestly Garments
Exodus 40 - 03:06:59 - The Tabernacle Erected - The Glory of the LORD

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