314 Finding Common Ground In The Gun Safety Debate With Kris Brown And Liz Dunning

In today's episode, we are privileged to host not one but two expert guests: Liz Dunning and Kris Brown, two strong advocates for gun safety and control in America.

Liz Dunning is the current Vice President of Development at Team Brady. She has devoted her 20-year career to public education policy, philanthropic sectors, and nonprofit management strategy. In addition to her impressive professional career, Liz is also a survivor of gun violence, an experience that has deeply influenced her work at Brady. In 2003, her mother was tragically murdered, an event which eventually spurred her commitment to Brady. Liz’s resilience is inspiring - her courage has even propelled her to run a marathon in honor of her mother, raising nearly $30,000 for the cause.

Joining Liz, we have Kris Brown, the accomplished President of Brady. Known for her lifelong background in policy law and grassroots activism, Kris has been a guiding light in the fight for Common Ground. A noted speaker and media commentator, Kris' influential work on gun violence was featured in Time Magazine's November 2018 cover article, "Guns in America." She's dedicated to advancing the conversation on gun violence beyond the usual polarizing politics, advocating for understanding and effective action.

The organization they represent, Brady, was formerly known as the Brady Foundation. Its namesake, Jim and Sarah Brady, championed for the Brady Law after Jim, Ronald Reagan’s press secretary, was injured during an assassination attempt on the President. This law mandated background checks for all federally licensed firearm sales, though Kris and Liz will delve into the current gaps in the system.

In our conversation, we also discuss Brady's "End Family Fire" campaign and the impactful Ask campaign. Through these initiatives, Brady has been influencing gun owners and the general public to safely store firearms, drastically reducing the risk of accidental injuries or death, especially among children. The results of these campaigns are promising, indicating a significant increase in safety awareness and behavioral change regarding firearm storage.

Today, we aren't talking about abolishing the Second Amendment, but rather advocating for a historically accurate understanding of it, coupled with public safety measures to prevent unnecessary deaths from gun violence. We invite you to listen, learn, and join the conversation. Together, we can make a difference.

The Biggest Helping: Today’s Most Important Takeaway

“Everyone has a sphere of influence in their life. Some people really love going and sitting in a hearing room and wearing the shirt and holding elected officials to account. We love when people love that. But it's okay if you don't. You can also get involved in the gun violence prevention movement with Brady by making calls, by sending emails. If you have five minutes in your day, you can make a difference.”


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Produced by Nova Media

  • 314. Finding Common Ground in the Gun Safety Debate with Kris Brown and Liz Dunning ( Download)