World Refugee Day 2023 Invisible And Forgotten

Have you ever felt unseen? Unheard? Forgotten? Refugees sometimes make the headlines but are soon forgotten. Let them know they are not forgotten and that there is hope for a future.

103 million people have been forced to flee their homes - more than ever before. Children make up less than one third of the global population but 41% of the world's forcibly displaced people. 48% of all refugee children remain out of school, and accessing education becomes harder as they get older.

The new report: invisible and forgotten: displaced children hungrier and at more risk than ever, shows the small recovery made since COVID-19 has been totally reversed in the past year. Refugees reported a drop in income for the third year in a row. As a result, more families are eating less than 3 meals a day and sinking deeper into debt. Parents are also increasingly concerned about child protection issues, such as child labour, child marriage, violence against children and unaccompanied children.

While the numbers can be overwhelming, with a helping hand, refugees can be agents of their own future.

World Vision partners with other agencies and communities, including faith leaders, to provide both immediate and long-term assistance so refugees and other forcibly displaced people can survive, rebuild and thrive.

Visit to journey alongside the refugees that they may not be forgotten and just be another statistic.