Why Doesn’t God Punish Or Encourage Us Quickly

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We are truly dependent on God and are His servants. We should truly worship and obey God. Do you know what these mean? Protect your independence and be independent!
It’s interesting that the Almighty God never talks and guides a person in a way that removes his independence. That is why many of you may not love reciting the Qur’an. The Qur’an does not cause one to love it that easily. When you recite it a little you get tired. [It’s as if the Qur’an says,] “Go! I’m not a novel that is here to attract you with tricks so that you can’t let me go until you read the whole book!” Friends, this is God’s plan if you aren’t easily attracted to the Qur’an! Don’t think God wasn’t able to do more. Don’t think you’re a bad person [that you’re not attracted]. This is God’s plan. He takes you a few steps forward then releases you.
Independence is a basic principle; otherwise, He wouldn’t have created you as a human being. The traditions say after you wake up for the Midnight Prayer a few nights, God will do something to make you feel very tired. He even tells the angels, “Let him miss his Morning Prayer too.” Then you will come to your senses, “Why has this happened? God, why did You let go of me?” [God says,] “I told you that you should stand on your own feet.” God doesn’t care about your good behavior. The reason for your good behavior is important for Him. Why doesn’t God punish you immediately? Why doesn’t He encourage you immediately? He wants to protect your independence.
Someone asked, “Where does the Qur’an talk about freedom?” I said, “At least one third of the Qur’an talks about independence and freedom.” He asked, “Where? How?” I said, “It talks a lot about Heaven and Hell.” God says, “I’ll punish you later.” How? “I may forgive you. I will reward you later.” God punish him now! God says, “I value people. I don’t show Hell to them at all. I won’t let even one person return after death to tell others what is going on there.” “God, why do You hide it? Tell me! Show me!” He says, “Your independence would be damaged. Then if you come [on this path], it’s due to being influenced by seeing these. I don’t want to force you. It was easy for Me to force you. Why in a dream?! I could let you see these when you’re awake.” It was easy for God to make you dependent and obedient to Him and not let you have any independence.
He could have caused each person who had reached maturity to see a dream about this. It was easy! He could show the Resurrection Day, Heaven and Hell, then say, “Will you pray?” A person would answer, “Just tell me how many cycles!!” A person would even pray the recommended Midnight Prayer the next day too! Would this be hard for God? Why didn’t He do this? He wants you to have independence in your servitude.
My friends, many of us like to be dependent on God. We love Him. We say, “God, direct my life. Help me not to make mistakes anymore. Please. You don’t need to let me be this independent. I have made myself wretched with my decisions, my weaknesses, and fears. Compensate for me for all of these.” But He won’t do it. Even after becoming closer to Him and being in a good spiritual mood, for example, after experiencing a spiritual trip to Hajj, to Karbala, or ten days of mourning in Muharram, do you know what will happen? He’ll put a great hardship, test or sin in front of you. Then you may easily lose all those blessings you had gathered. God doesn’t show mercy in such situations.
I’ve told the story of a young Russian man before. He fell in love with Imam Husayn (as) after watching the Muslim’s chest beating on Euronews. He searched and realized that this is a mourning ceremony for a man named Husayn. One of our friends went to Russia and found this man. He had been strongly influenced by Husayn (as). He constantly listened to elegies. He said, “When I listen to these elegies, these things you recite” - and he didn’t know its name - “I feel a warmth in the cold weather of Siberia.” He didn’t know anything about Islam or Imam Husayn (as).
Our friends invited him to Iran. They took him to Imam Reza’s (as) shrine. He enjoyed it and was getting closer to God. It was his first or second trip that he said he wanted to become Muslim because it’s the religion of Husayn (as). When he was in the shrine, he repeated the testimonies of faith (Shahadatayn) and became Muslim. When they came out his mobile rang. He suddenly turned pale. We asked him what had happened. He was very attached to his mother.

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