Whats In New Yorks New Police Reform Bill Nowthis

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In US news and current events today, New York Governor Andrew Cuomo, alongside Al Sharpton, Gwen Carr, Valerie Bell, and other Black leaders, ushered a historic police reform bill into law.

The bill will formally ban chokeholds, the move used in the police killing of Eric Garner, repeals 50a, a law that hid police disciplinary records from the public, makes race-based 911 calls a hate crime, as seen in the infamous Central Park Karen Amy Cooper video, and requires body cams, alongside other sweeping reforms. Many who participated in the George Floyd protests and Black Lives Matter protests in New York City were subject to violence at the hands of the NYPD, and it's hoped that this bill will be a start to curbing the violent racist culture of the NYC police department. While the bill doesn't go as far as to defund the police or abolish the police, it's clear that the protests have sparked real systemic change in the fight against police violence, police brutality, and police racism.

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