The Weakest Characters In Gaming Ever 2 Dizzy

The second episode in the series.

Over the years, there have been some laughably weak main characters starring in video games, characters who you're almost embarrassed to be controlling. In this series, I'll show footage of these characters' greatest feats of "power". Wario and Kirby need not apply.

This episode's star is the Codemasters' "Eggcellent" Explorer, Dizzy.

Dizzy, Dizzy, Dizzy... First appearing in 1986, (Hey, that's the same year Alex Kidd made his first appearance!) he starred in rather a lot of games but there was something that always remained the same in each and every one; they were all extremely difficult, often as the result of being extremely unfair. Why? Because Dizzy was an absolute wimp...

Games used in this video:
Magicland Dizzy (Amiga)
Fantasy World Dizzy (Amiga)
Treasure Island Dizzy (Amiga)
Fantastic Dizzy (Genesis/Mega Drive)

Do you know any inspiringly weak video game characters? Feel free to mention them in the comments and there may be a video about them in the future!

Note: I would beat the crap out of Windows Shit Stirrer but I don't think the flood gates could take it.