The Day Of Judgment What Will It Be Like Part 1

**[2023 Update: Part 2 and 3 are being worked on slowly and will be uploaded next year. Had to purchase a rather expensive video editing software license to continue this project. If you don't want to wait for the video, the full audio drama can be purchased below].

This short scene is from an audio theater called "Rescued" by John Bevere.

"A trapped father. A desperate son. A clock ticking down towards certain death - and a fate even more horrifying still. In the ultimate rescue, life or death is just the beginning!

For Pastor Alan Rockaway, his teenage son Jeff, and his bride, Jenny, it's little more than an enjoyable submarine ride through the Caribbean waters. Instead, an accident turns the dive into a terrifying plunge towards the unknown. This dramatized audio thriller leaves every danger, every risk, and every rescue you've ever imagined in the dust."

The full audio theater is a little over two hours long. Buy the full version at:

There is a free version on YouTube if you wish to find it, but I'm only posting the link to the version that you must purchase, as that seems more right to do.

About the Judgement to come:


I listened to the audio clip of this video in 2017 on YouTube (original video link below) and became terrified and heartbroken. I was also in awe 'cause it was so well made. I figured out 3 years after what this audio clip is; where it's from, and who the voice actors are, and find it awesome that John Rhys-Davies is the voice of God and Jim Cummings is the voice of the angel.

The original video came with a few pictures on it, but only a few, and it was difficult to tell what was happening. So, I decided I was going to edit it a bit and re-upload it, this time with different and more pictures, animations, and subtitles to depict what's going on more accurately.

BUT UNDERSTAND THIS: I added pictures simply to help people understand what was going on from the original video that made this with less pictures (it was confusing). I did not add pictures to bring any sort of biblical context.

Original Video:

If the pictures I added don't match up with what's in the Bible, don't fret over it. Why not fret? Because this audio theater is a FICTIONAL telling of a NON-FICTIONAL event that HAS YET to take place. We have NO IDEA what Judgement Day is going to look like, but we have the freedom to use the creativity God gave us to imagine. If you don't like this video, then just listen to the audio instead or re-create your own.

Do enjoy, but do listen carefully.

The way to Heaven is through Jesus Christ only. He is the way, the truth, and the life, and no one comes to the Father except through Him.

So repent; placing your trust and faith in Jesus Christ, for today is the day of salvation.


WARNING - If you are not yet mature in your faith; still drinking milk and yet not eating solid food, be careful of what you comment. Too many of you are sharing false teachings and leaning very close to heresy. This video grew quite fast after 2 years, but I have maintained keeping track of most comments, and will respond to those I can reach.


This audio theater does not teach works based salvation. If you believe it does, dig into your Bibles, for you are confusing works with repentance. Repentance is not a work.

Study up:

If you choose to comment that God would never do this (send people to hell), because God is love at the exclusion of everything else, dig into your Bibles, for God is not just love but also holy, just, and righteous, and cannot allow sin to go unpunished.

Study up:

If you choose to comment that Saturday is the sabbath, and say that not honoring that day will keep you unsaved, if found, I'm immediately deleting your comment! SDA is unbiblical and teaches many other heretical teachings.

Study up on SDA: // //

Repent therefore, for unrepentant sin is what brought destruction upon the characters in this video - and it is what will bring destruction to all on that broad road.

This is true Christianity:

  • The Day of Judgment - What Will It Be Like (Part 1) ( Download)
  • The Day Of Judgement - What will it be like (Part 1) ( Download)
  • The Day Of Judgement - What Will It Be Like (Part 2) ( Download)
  • Judgement Day | AI Animation ( Download)
  • The Great White Throne Judgment! What Will It Be like Part 1 of 4 ( Download)
  • This is what Allah will say on the day of judgment! ( Download)
  • Why Judgement Day Is Scary... (Bible Story Explained) ( Download)
  • What Happens to You After You Die | Judgment Day | Ep. 1 ( Download)
  • The End is Near: Signs of the Day of Judgement | Part-1 | Mufti Menk ( Download)
  • HEAVEN OR HELL WHERE WILL YOU GO ON JUDGEMENT DAY!!!!! (Short Film) Life After Death! ( Download)
  • The Day of Judgment - What Will It Be Like | Amber&Datruth Reaction ( Download)
  • The Day of Judgment: Part 1 | Steve Wohlberg and Joel Haywood ( Download)
  • Signs Of The Day Of Judgement | #shorts ( Download)
  • How Will God Judge Christians On Judgment Day | Church Gone Wild #5 ( Download)