Some Books On Puritan Spirituality Theology

some books on Puritan Spirituality & Theology

'The Genius Of Puritanism' By Peter Lewis

'Introduction To Puritan Theology: A Reader' Editor Edward Hindson Forword By James I. Packer

'The Spiritual Brotherhood: Cambridge Puritans and the Nature of Christian Piety' by Paul R. Schaefer Jr. [Reformed Historical-Theological Studies]

'Unity And Continuity In Covenantal Thought: A Study in the Reformed Tradition to the Westminster Assembly' by Andrew A. Woolsey [Reformed Historical -Theological Studies]

'Puritan Reformed Spirituality' by Joel R. Beeke

'Puritan Piety: Writings in Honor of Joel R. Beeke' Edited by Michael A. G. Haykin & Paul M. Snalley

'The Works of William Perkins' Volume 8

'The Works of William Perkins' Volume 9

'The Wholesome Doctrine Of The Gospel: Faith and Love in the Writings of William Perkins' Edited And Introduced By Andrew S. Ballitch & J. Stephen Yuille

'The Christian in Complete Armour' by William Gurnall

'The Embattled Christian: William Gurnall and the Puritan View of Spiritual Warfare' by Bryan G. Zacharias

'The Valley of Vision: A collection of Puritan Prayers & Devotions' Edited By Arthur Bennett

The Pursuit of Godliness In The Ministry of William Perkins an address by Geoff Thomas