Refugee Return Geopolitics And War Imaginaries

Dr Tamirace Fakhoury presents on the panel "Rethinking Community Rights".

This panel was convened on day two of the Refugee Hosts International Conference: Without Execution - the Politics and Poetics of Local Responses to Displacement, 24-25th October 2019, UCL.

This two-day conference – convened by Prof Elena Fiddian-Qasmiyeh (UCL), Prof Alastair Ager (Queen Margaret University, Edinburgh), Dr Anna Rowlands (Durham University) and Prof Lyndsey Stonebridge (University of Birmingham) – marked the fourth and final year of the AHRC-ESRC funded Refugee Hosts project and brought together leading academics, practitioners, creatives and experts in the fields of migration, displacement and refugee studies, to challenge, inform and debate dominant humanitarian discourse, the politics and ethics of knowledge production, and current theory and practice in relation to forced migration.

  • Refugee Return, Geopolitics and War Imaginaries ( Download)
  • Rethinking Community Rights ( Download)
  • Rethinking Community Rights: Theory and Practice - Panel Discussion ( Download)
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  • The Geopolitical Implications of Migration | The Third Gathering of the Global Forum of the NLI ( Download)
  • Imaginary Lines - Roots of African Migrant Crisis ( Download)
  • Ukraine, What's Next - Week 4 - Diplomatic and Humanitarian Aspects ( Download)
  • Refugee politics in the Middle East - Tamirace Fakhoury ( Download)
  • Settler Garrison: Debt Imperialism, Militarism, and Transpacific Imaginaries with Jodi Kim ( Download)
  • Webinar #4: Comparing Crises – „Migration Crises“ in the Middle East and North Africa ( Download)
  • The New / Old Cold Wars: Geopolitics and North Africa and the Middle East in the Age of Arab Revolts ( Download)
  • Opening Plenary Panel: The Russia China Interface One Border, Two Regions ( Download)
  • The Ukraine Crisis: Implications for U.S. Policy in the Indo-Pacific ( Download)
  • Russia’s Attack on Ukraine: Memory, Identity, and a New Geopolitical Reality ( Download)
  • Mobility Justice and the Temporalities of Multi Scalar Migrations ( Download)