Plastic In The Thames Live Talk With Nhm Scientist

Meet environmental scientist Alex McGoran and take a trip down the Thames to discover how plastic is affecting the animals that call the river home. And amidst the Covid-19 pandemic - with a huge increase in plastic for food packaging, online shopping, disposable gloves and face masks - has this increase in consumption had an impact on the Thames wildlife? Find out how Alex studies the effects of plastic pollution, and what action we can all take to reduce it.
The Natural History Museum in London is home to over 80 million specimens, including meteorites, dinosaur bones and a giant squid. Our channel brings the Museum to you - from what goes on behind the scenes to surprising science and stories from our scientists.

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  • Plastic in the Thames | Live Talk with NHM Scientist ( Download)
  • How plastic is affecting animals that call the River Thames home | Live talk with NHM scientist ( Download)
  • Plastic Pollution: How it's affecting the planet's wildlife | Our Broken Planet ( Download)
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  • River Thames see 94,000 Microplastic Particles ( Download)
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