Nord Ost Siege The Moscow Theatre Hostage Crisis Of 2002 Tvdata Archive Historyrepeats Nordost

Moscow Theatre Hostage Crisis Overview #ConflictResolution #Terrorism Dubrovka Tragedy: Inside the Nord-Ost Moscow Theatre Hostage Crisis - #Footage
The Moscow theatre hostage crisis, often referred to as the 2002 Nord-Ost siege, was a harrowing event where a group of 40 to 50 armed Chechen militants took over 850 hostages in the Dubrovka Theatre in Moscow on October 23, 2002. The attackers demanded the withdrawal of Russian forces from Chechnya and an end to the Second Chechen War. The siege lasted for three days, ending on October 26, when Russian security forces administered an anesthetic gas into the building before storming it. The operation resulted in the death of all terrorists, but tragically, 130 hostages lost their lives, many due to the effects of the gas used during the rescue.
young people in camouflage, black overalls, pistols, grenades, automatic weapons

no less than those fighting in Chechnya, they clearly did not skimp on weapons, the only one who did not hide his face

under a mask was Movsar Barayev, indeed the nephew of Barayev Arbi, a field commander killed a year ago

famous for kidnapping people, the group consists of 35 people, 15 of them women, in Arabic the name of the unit sounds like "Islam martyrs", Movsar denies that the capture of Nord-Ost was revenge

for the killed relative, this action, according to the younger Barayev, was not planned abroad

Shamil Basayev sanctioned it and President Kadyrov and Maskhadov were aware, the only and

final goal of the terrorists is to stop military actions in Chechnya, and here are federal

troops, our group can benefit from it, we are the guardians of Islam, we have

already repeatedly stated our goal is to stop the war and withdraw troops

if, for example, representatives of Russian this sentence with Maskhadov exists

my guys yours and we act by the order of the supreme military

amir, so there we have Shamil Basayev, you all know him well

that Maskhadov is our president, we have repeatedly heard that no one obeys us, consider this necessary and as

to say to yours, this is, so to speak, a lie and slander

we even begin and even think we are not found negotiations with Maskhadov

this needs a visit here

what we wanted with the help of Allah we did why chose exactly this place for

overthrowing, to kill the city center, yes

so that everyone sees, everyone knows

we also wanted to take something else but it did not work out we spontaneously ended up here

no, we prepared for a month, two months, watched the spectacle, so it's been several years

you see, we waited, we could have done it earlier, we waited for someone

some device photo will stop us we call it inevitable


two girls in black whom the militants call

sisters wear belts charged with explosives with protruding wires

means your clothes must clearly let

means that we will stop at nothing, we are on the path of Allah and

symbol to develop, but this is not all, our much this will continue, the captured people did not let us, we called six female hostages, the woman repeats that they are treated decently writing

an appeal with a request not to start the assault, according to the hostages, no

  • Nord-Ost Siege: The Moscow Theatre Hostage Crisis of #2002 #TVDATA Archive #HistoryRepeats #NordOst ( Download)
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  • The Dubrovka Theatre Crisis ( Download)
  • Paintings of the Moscow theatre siege - BBC News ( Download)
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