Newly Restored Tomb Of Jesus Opens For Easter Replay

LENGTH: 6:19

Associated Press
Jerusalem - 3 April 2017
1. Tracking shot of interior of Holy Sepulchre leading to the Jesus' Tomb
2. Tracking shot of workers pulling up lights in front of Jesus' Tomb
3. Tracking of pilgrims standing in line next to tomb
4. Tilt down from roof of Holy Sepulchre to tomb
5. Man kissing and touching tomb
6. Tilt down from man praying to cross in his hands
7. Tracking shot of pilgrims waiting in line to enter tomb
8. Set up shot of Father David Grenier, secretary for the Custody of the Holy Land
9. SOUNDBITE (English) Father David Grenier, secretary for the Custody of the Holy Land:
"It is really special for us this year because it is the first time in 200 years that the Edicule of the Holy Sepulchre was restored and before for the last 90 years you had this metal structure that the British had put during their mandate to sustain the Edicule that was fragile and that could collapse. Now we know that the structure is well that we can celebrate in a joyful way, not only the greatest feast for us which is Easter, but the fact that we have been able to get all the churches to have dialogue to get a little closer from the unity that Jesus asked us to do in his last supper so that's something really special for us."
10. Priest preparing inside tomb ahead of prayers
11. Tracking shot inside the tomb
12. Tilt up from painting of Mary to lights in roof of tomb
13. Pilgrims kneeling and praying near tomb
14. SOUNBDITE (English) Father David Grenier, secretary for the Custody of the Holy Land:
"There's a marble plate that covers the rock on which Jesus' body was laid on Good Friday when he died. And for the first time in 200 years that marble plate was taken out so it was a great great occasion for us to be able to see this rock which was 2000 years old. We found that underneath there was also a marble plate from the Crusaders time that was still there, that we could see. They found for example there the scientific proofs that there's really a dead man that was laid on this rock."
15. Wide shot of painting on wall showing people carrying Jesus' body
16. Close up of painting
17. Priests talking near tomb
18. Pan of tourists queuing near tomb
19. SOUNDBITE (English) Ruth Ann Rini and Ron Rini, pilgrims from the United States:
"We love it, it is just a miraculous visit for us, it is once in a life time experience, we just have loved it. We've been in awe over it, and we are just so amazed that they have redone it so well. It is beautiful, beautiful."
20. Man and son lighting candle inside church
21. Man kneeling down before entering tomb
22. Woman touching tomb and crying then another woman touches tomb
23. SOUNDBITE (English) Wayne Gluf, pilgrim from the United States:
"It looks as you would hope it would look coming here as what you think it deserves to look like, to be pristine in that condition like that for one of the most holy places on earth."
24. Tilt down from roof to Jesus' tomb
25. Pan from pilgrims to mosaic on wall
26. SOUNDBITE (English) Father David Grenier, secretary for the Custody of the Holy Land:
27. Pan from woman kneeling down to school girls visiting church
28. Close up of woman kneeling down
29. Priests from different denominations talking inside church
30. Close up of woman lightening candle
31. Pan top shot of Jesus' Tomb
32. End shot exterior of church
Pilgrims in Jerusalem have an extra reason to celebrate this Easter.
Inside the Church of the Holy Sepulchre.
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