Misplaced Priorities Briefing Rep Bobby Scott Opening Remarks Part 1

Rep. Bobby Scott hosts a policy briefing about over incarceration and its negative impact on youth on Monday, May 23, 2011. The briefing was inspired by the recent NAACP report, "Misplaced Priorities: Over Incarcerate, Under Educate." The report explains that the over incarceration of non-violent offenders is a counterproductive approach to crime policy that erodes state budgets at the expense of state public education systems. As a result, the over incarceration of non-violent offenders undermines the promise of our youth.

  • Misplaced Priorities Briefing - Rep. Bobby Scott Opening Remarks (Part 1) ( Download)
  • Misplaced Priorities Birefing - Hilary Shelton Remarks (Part 2) ( Download)
  • Misplaced Priorities Briefing - Michael Shields Remarks (Part 4) ( Download)
  • Misplaced Priorities Briefing - Judge Steven Teske Remarks (Part 3) ( Download)
  • Misplaced Priorities Briefing - Matt Cregor Remarks (Part 5) ( Download)
  • Rep. Bobby Scott Makes Opening Remarks on the Economics of Prevention ( Download)
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  • Invited Address—U.S. Representative Bobby Scott ( Download)
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