Mary Mcaleese And Lucette Verboven Above All Dont Argue About God

'Above all, don't argue about God!' In onze volgende etappe van Estafette, hebben we een afspraak met Mary McAleese in Belfast (Noord-Ierland) die later president zou worden van Ierland. Verschil van mening over religie, gekoppeld aan nationalisme, ontaardde in Noord-Ierland tot bloedig geweld. Mary McAleese beschrijft hoe het mechanisme van de haat - aan beide zijden - op gang wordt gezet. Toen we met onze cameraploeg rondreden, zag ik hoe straten met de 'Union Jack' of the "Ulster Banner' aan katholieken duidelijk maakten dat zij er niet welkom waren.
Aangrijpend interview over de impact van geweld op een hele bevolking en over de keuze, waartoe ze zelf verleid werd in haar jeugd: die van het gewelddadige verzet, nadat haar gehandicapte broer zwaar werd toegetakeld omdat hij katholiek was. Welk pad ze uiteindelijk koos, hoort u in het interview.
English version
'Above all, don't argue about God!' In our next leg of Relay, we have an appointment with Mary McAleese in Belfast (Northern Ireland) who later became President of Ireland. Differences of opinion on religion, coupled with nationalism, degenerated into bloody violence in Northern Ireland. Mary McAleese describes how the mechanism of hatred - on both sides - is set in motion. As we drove around with our camera crew, I saw how streets with the 'Union Jack', the (then) English flag made it clear to Catholics that they were not welcome.
A gripping interview about the impact of violence on an entire population and about the choice she herself was tempted to make in her youth: that of the violent resistance, after her disabled brother was badly beaten for being a Catholic. Which path did she choose? Watch the interview.

  • Mary McAleese and Lucette Verboven 'Above all, don't argue about God!' ( Download)
  • Michael AMALADOSS 'We are more than that!' part 8 of interview with Lucette ( Download)
  • Part 1 Mary McAleese in Conversation with Ursula Halligan - Early Faith ( Download)
  • Reeling in the Years | Mary McAleese speaking during the visit of Queen Elizabeth in 2011 ( Download)
  • Mary McAleese | The Concise English-Irish Dictionary ( Download)
  • Shirley Williams en Lucette Verboven, Nederlands ondertiteld. ( Download)
  • Elisabeth Schüssler-Fiorenza and Lucette Verboven 'In Memory of her'. ( Download)
  • A tearful Mary McAleese says her brother was seriously, physically, sadistically abused by Fr. Ma ( Download)
  • Mary McAleese & Sally Holland: “From child to world citizen: but what kind of world ( Download)
  • Sandra Verboven - Mijn overlevingsdrang - Deel Je Verhaal ( Download)
  • Canada- Ireland Talks with Prof. Mary McAleese & Margaret Stuart ( Download)
  • Part 5: Mary McAleese in Conversation with Ursula Halligan - Pope Francis; Structural changes ( Download)
  • SLN Journey of Discernment with Mary McAleese - Thursday 18th June ( Download)
  • “Reconciliation is postponed when people’s truth is not told” Mary McAleese Former Irish President ( Download)
  • A World of Faith: President Mary McAleese and Sayed Ali Abbas Razawi ( Download)