Journey To The Center The Lenten Struggle For Inner Freedom Part 2 Thomas Keating

Fr. Thomas Keating discusses the spiritual implications of Jesus’ 40 days and 40 nights in the desert. The three temptations of Jesus challenge us to not make idols out of control, affection and security. He also explores how, if we cooperate with God's grace, the levels of consciousness lead to Christ consciousness. The practice of Centering Prayer is similar to these stages of passage into Christ consciousness.

For a question and answer session with Fr. Thomas that followed this talk, go to For Part 1 of this talk, go to

This talk was originally part of a retreat with Fr. Thomas at First United Methodist Church in Austin, TX on February 9, 2008, sponsored by Contemplative Outreach, which promotes and supports the practice of Centering Prayer world wide:

  • Journey to the Center: The Lenten Struggle for Inner Freedom - Part 2, Thomas Keating ( Download)
  • Journey to the Center: The Lenten Struggle for Inner Freedom - Part 1, Thomas Keating ( Download)
  • Journey to the Center: Q & A with Thomas Keating and Gail Fitzpatrick-Hopler ( Download)
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