Gulbenkian Future Forum Conference Panel 1 – A Health Crisis

14:00 / Opening and introduction
Isabel Mota, President of the Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation
Miguel Poiares Maduro, President of the Gulbenkian Future Forum Scientific Committee

14:15-15:30 / Panel 1 – A Health Crisis
Mónica Bettencourt-Dias, Director of the Instituto Gulbenkian de Ciência (Moderator)
Akiko Iwasaki, Principal Investigator at Yale School of Medicine
Filipe Froes, Head of Intensive Care Unit of Hospital Pulido Valente
Gabriela Gomes, Reader in Biomathematics at Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine
Miguel Soares, Principal Investigator at Instituto Gulbenkian de Ciência
Stewart Cole, Director of the Pasteur Institute

  • Gulbenkian Future Forum Conference: Panel 1 – A Health Crisis ( Download)
  • Gulbenkian Future Forum Conference: Panel 2 – An Economic Crisis ( Download)
  • Gulbenkian Future Forum Conference: Panel 3 – A Political Crisis ( Download)
  • Conversa sobre o Futuro da Democracia ( Download)
  • Conferência Edifícios e Jardim Gulbenkian – Passado, Presente e Futuro ( Download)
  • Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation. For all humanity ( Download)
  • Global depression | Economic Divide ( Download)
  • Martin Essayan on his great-grandfather: Calouste Sarkis Gulbenkian ( Download)
  • Ciclo Variável Mundo Novo – Ciência e Sociedade: da pandemia a uma sociedade mais colaborativa ( Download)
  • O país que se segue Ep. 7: Susana Peralta ( Download)
  • Ciclo Variável Mundo Novo - Imunidade: a chave para o regresso à normalidade ( Download)
  • Influenza: the underestimated threat (Episode 1 - Why should we fear influenza) ( Download)
  • Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian, para toda a humanidade ( Download)
  • Economic Crisis 2020 - Why Is This Happening ( Download)
  • MCTC: MASHAV’s International Women Leaders e-Conference - Panel 1 ( Download)