Final Moments Of Earth’s History—daniel 11 Part Four 3abn Worship Hour

In this 3ABN-produced program, Pastor James Rafferty presents part four of his Daniel 11 study to unravel prophetic mystery. Supporting passages from Isaiah and Revelation make clear Daniel 11 is a worldwide prophecy that does not merely focus on the Middle East. Should we expect a time of peace, or prepare for a soon-coming time of trouble that will turn the world upside down? When an ominous power seeks dominion, clamps down on our civil and religious freedoms, and enforces economic restrictions to gain its purposes, no nation will escape its grasp. We can’t trust in institutions, and even country living—though helpful—will not save us. Our only hope is to stay focused on following Jesus and proclaiming the everlasting gospel. Many who were deceived by paganism will hear and be united with God’s remnant people who are settled in His truth. God will seal His people, and Jesus will stand up to deliver them IN THE TIME OF trouble.

Part One :

Part Two :

Part Three:








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