Explore Alliance Presents Global Star Party 54 The Impact Of Comets

Comets have held fascination for humans for thousands of years, often considered to be the harbingers of doom, comets have caused worldwide fear. An example is the 1066 passage of Halley's Comet that was blamed for the Norman conquest of England. But it was Edmund Halley who understood that some comets could reappear due to their orbits and Isaac Newton's description of comets as solid bodies moving in orbit around the sun and that streams of vapor emitted by their nuclei were heated or ignited by the sun. Newton also believed that comets delivered water to the earth and the life supporting component of the air. These ideas ushered in the idea that comets were astronomical phenomena. Scientists like Fred Whipple eventually developed the theory that comets were dirty snowballs and contained the primordial material of our early solar system, and in modern times we have measured comets spectrally and have visited them with our spacecraft. 
The impact that comets have had upon us is multifold: We can think of how they have affected our understanding of the composition of our solar system, how they have impacted the Earth (possibly the 12 megaton explosion of the Tunguska  Event in 1908 was of cometary origin), and who can forget the 1994 impact of Comet Shoemaker-Levy 9 on Jupiter (the first impact of SL9 started on July 16th. Indeed, many astronomers can point to the time of seeing a bright comet as a turning point in their lives. 
Below is the schedule:

8:00 p.m.   01:00 Scott Roberts - Welcome and Intro
8:05 p.m.   01:05 David Levy - Welcome and Poetry 
8:15 p.m.   01:15 David Eicher - Microscopy 
8:35 p.m.   01:35 John Goss - Astronomical League Door Prizes 
8:45 p.m.   01:45 David Levy conducts a discussion panel on Comets

9:30 p.m.   02:30 Ten Minute Break
9:40 p.m.    02:40 Libby In the Stars Greets Us from NASA
9:45 p.m.    02:45 Molly Wakeling - Astronomolly's Univese10:00 p.m.  03:00 Deepti Gautam
10:15 p.m.  03:15 Jason Guenzel - Comet Astrophotography
10:30 p.m.  03:30 Conal Richards
10:45 p.m.  03:45 Adrian Bradley - Milky Way Visions
11:00 p.m.  04:00 Maxi Falieres - Astrophotography from Argentina 
11:15 p.m.  04:15 Cesar Brollo - Southern Sky Treasures of the Milky Way
11:30 p.m.  04:30 Cameron Gillis - Camstronomy

11:45 p.m.  04:45 Ten Minute Break


#globalstarparty #starparty #comets #explorealliance #explorescientific

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