Efatv Efa Delegation Visits Fryslan

EFA followed closely the electoral campaign of its Frisian member FNP and visited the Frisian Regional Assembly, where the party aims to play an even bigger role after Wednesday's elections.

  • EFATV: EFA delegation visits Fryslan ( Download)
  • Greens/EFA MEP Ska Keller on the refugee crisis in the Mediterranean ( Download)
  • Mark Demesmaeker MEP (NVA) 'Ambitions for constitutional reform in Belgium' EFA GA 2014 ( Download)
  • Wynmûnen soargje foar twaspjalt yn FNP ( Download)
  • Occupation in the 21st century: Barriers to peace in Israel & Palestine ( Download)
  • FNP folget Skotsk referindum ( Download)
  • FNP-Kneppelfreed by rjochtbank ( Download)
  • REPO: Fractievoorzitter FNP: Geluid van de regio laten klinken in landelijke politiek ( Download)
  • REPO: FNP probeert jongeren bij politiek te betrekken met 'Jûn foar Fryslân' ( Download)
  • Riedslid mei dea bedrige ( Download)
  • Pier Tilma stapt op als fractievoorzitter FNP Leeuwarden ( Download)
  • IT POLYTBURO: Cees van Mourik ( Download)
  • Living Under Occupation - The European Free Alliance visit to the West Bank and East Jerusalem 2012 ( Download)
  • Nije klachten oer Jeugdhulp ( Download)
  • European Free Alliance - Cynghrair Rhydd Ewrop ( Download)