Csg Justice Center Congressional Staff Briefing On Justice Reinvestment

Over the past 20 years, state spending on corrections has skyrocketed -- from $12 billion in 1988 to more than $52 billion in 2011. Declining state revenues and other fiscal factors are putting a serious strain on many states' criminal justice systems, often putting concerns about the bottom line in competition with public safety. Strategies tested in numerous states, however, show that there are effective ways to address the challenges of containing rising corrections costs while also increasing public safety.

A number of states have responded to these challenges with "justice reinvestment" strategies to reduce corrections costs and increase public safety. Justice Reinvestment is a data-driven approach that ensures that policymaking is based on a comprehensive analysis of criminal justice data and the latest research about what works to reduce crime, and is tailored to the distinct public safety needs of the jurisdiction. In the first phase, experts analyze a variety of state-specific data to develop practical, consensus-based policies that reduce spending on corrections and generate savings that can be reinvested in strategies to improve public safety. In the second phase, jurisdictions translate the new policies into practice and monitor data to ensure that related programs and system investments achieve their projected outcomes.

At this April 12, 2013 briefing, leaders from several of the states that have adopted justice reinvestment strategies discussed their experiences with the program and highlighted six key lessons learned since 2007, when the justice reinvestment program was launched.

  • CSG Justice Center Congressional Staff Briefing on Justice Reinvestment ( Download)
  • Justice Reinvestment in Ohio and North Carolina: 2011 Congressional Staff Briefing ( Download)
  • Congressional Staff Briefing on The Second Chance Act ( Download)
  • Justice Reinvestment: Opening Session Part 1: Assemblyman Aubry and Congressman Mollohan ( Download)
  • PA Justice Reinvestment Bill Signing ( Download)
  • Justice Reinvestment: Case Studies of Efforts to Reduce Recidivism and Corrections Spending ( Download)
  • Justice Reinvestment: Opening Session Part 8: Mark Earley ( Download)
  • JR Lessons Learned Congressional Briefing Highlights ( Download)
  • Justice Reinvestment: Opening Session Part 2: Congressman Wolf ( Download)
  • Oklahoma Justice Reinvestment Press Conference ( Download)
  • Justice Reinvestment: Opening Session Part 7: Mark Earley ( Download)
  • Justice Reinvestment: Panel 4: Apply Place-Based Strategies ( Download)
  • Justice Reinvestment: Opening Session Part 4: Senator Whitehouse ( Download)
  • Justice Reinvestment in Oklahoma ( Download)
  • Justice Reinvestment: Opening Session Part 3: Rep. Schiff and Sen. Whitehouse ( Download)