Blueprint For Life In Ft Vermilion
Blueprint for Life Social Work through Hip Hop, lead by Stephen 'Buddha' Leafloor, spent a week with the youth in Ft. Vermilion, Alberta and this cypher was part of the show at the end of the week.
Many of the kids had never danced or done this style of dance before and after a week of dancing and talks about difficult issues in their lives the youth they were all brave enough to do a show in front of their community and even go into the cypher!
Thanks to the social workers, the teachers, the parents and especially the youth for welcoming us into their community and sharing an amazing week!
Team members on the trip were: Switch B (Toronto), Troy Sexton (Toronto), Lynx (Montreal), Tara Wilson (Calgary), Justin Cancino (Calgary), Dickson Lee (Vancouver) Mark's iller (Vancouver)