April 18 2019 Universal Health Care – Is Medicare For All The Answer

Universal health care is a topic often discussed but not fully understood. The cost of care, the nuances of coverage and the lack of transparency all add up to worry and concern for many Americans. Prof. Joel Cantor, a recognized leader on the subject of health care, will break down the complexities and share his thoughts on the best way forward. Is Medicare for All the solution? What does it mean for the average American?

  • April 18 2019: Universal Health Care – Is Medicare for All the Answer ( Download)
  • Medicare For All: What Does it Actually Mean ( Download)
  • Facts: Medicare for All 10-08-19 ( Download)
  • The State of Healthcare Policy: from COVID-19 to Medicare for All ( Download)
  • medicare for all and the public option explained: impact on insurance rates & health care costs ( Download)
  • 2019 Garland Lecture - Medicare for All ( Download)
  • Medicare For All ( Download)
  • Medicare-For-All Math: How We Pay For It (2019 Full Version) ( Download)
  • Medicare-for-All -- Public Forum Topic September/October 2020 ( Download)
  • Medicare for All explained - Dr. John Perryman ( Download)
  • 'Understanding the Medicare for All Bills: HR1384 vs S1804' by Kip Sullivan 3-17-2019 ( Download)
  • Fox News Audience Cheers Bernie Sanders' Medicare-for-All Plan ( Download)
  • Andrew Yang on Healthcare: Does He Support Medicare For All or a Public Option ( Download)
  • Truth Behind Medicare For All ( Download)
  • Progressives SLAM Health Insurance CEO For Attacking Medicare For All ( Download)