Ap Correspondent Describes Saddam Sons Bodies

(25 Jul 2003)
1. Associated Press writer Matt Moore at desk
2. Close up Moore on phone
3. Pull out from screen to Moore on phone
4. Pan close up screen
5. SOUNDBITE (English) Matt Moore, Associated Press writer:
"It smelled of embalming and inside, you had to go through one door from the outside, into a small passageway, and then you unzipped that door, walked in, and in the first area were some computers, then you walked in, another entrance way, but with no flap, and there the bodies were -- both of them on gurneys (metal stretchers) -- obviously nude, but out of courtesy, their, certain areas, their genitalia were covered up with a sheet, and it was evident that you could see it was them."
6. Close up pan of screen
7. Close up hands typing, tilt up to screen
8. Moore at computer
9. Close up Moore's face
10. Pull out from notepad to Moore on phone
11. Moore on phone
12. SOUNDBITE (English) Matt Moore, Associated Press writer:
"Clearly the Iraqi people, based on the reporting that we've done here with the Associated Press bureau in Baghdad have found and interviewed several people who are doubtful, who claim that these pictures may be a ruse. Perhaps what they now need is proof on video. Whether or not they will believe it or they will accept it remains to be seen."
13. Moore on phone, zoom into Moore

A journalist who was part of the group allowed to see the remains of Odai and Qusai Hussein on Friday says the bodies were clearly those of Saddam Hussein's sons.

Associated Press writer Matt Moore spoke to APTN after returning from the mortuary where the bodies were being kept.

The faces of the Hussein brothers were reconstructed to appear as lifelike as possible, after still photographs failed to convince many Iraqis the brothers were really dead.

The photos of Odai and Qusai Hussein published on Thursday had raised criticism by showing only the brothers' faces and upper chests -- the faces obscured by heavy beards, blood and gashes -- and giving no indication of height.

By contrast, the military showed journalists the autopsied bodies covered only by sheets and presented identifying evidence, including dental records and a rod from Odai's leg.

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