After Death Communications

Millions of people report spontaneous experiences of contact with departed loved ones, hearing their voices, seeing their faces again. Jimmy Akin and Dom Bettinelli discuss what After Death Communications are, what they are like, and whether they really could be forms of contacted with our lost loved ones.

Further Resources:
• Jimmy’s course Introduction to Parapsychology:
• The Guggenheims’ book Hello From Heaven!:
• Erlendur Haraldsson’s book The Departed Among the Living:
• The Guggenheims’ website
• After Death Communication Research Foundation:
• Jenny Streit-Horn’s dissertation A Systematic Review of Research on After-Death Communications:
• Elsaesser et al.’s booklet on ADCs:
• Elsaesser et al.’s 2021 paper The Phenomenology and Impact of Hallucinations Concerning the Deceased:
• Supplemental Material:
• Wollacott et al.’s 2022 paper Perceptual Phenomena Associated with Spontaneous Experiences of After-Death Communication (paywall):
• Richard Kelly’s paper Post-Mortem Contact by Fatal Injury Victims with Emergency Service Workers at the Scenes of Their Death:

  • After Death Communications (ADCs) - Jimmy Akin's Mysterious World ( Download)
  • Analyzing After Death Communications - Jimmy Akin's Mysterious World ( Download)
  • Jeffrey Mishlove - A Few Amazing After-Death Communications ( Download)
  • AFTERLIFE COMMUNICATION STORIES That Prove There's Life After Death ( Download)
  • After Death Communications: Who have them and what impact do they have ( Download)
  • After-Death Communication with Matthew McKay ( Download)
  • A Momentous After-Death Contact | An interview with Monika Katens ( Download)
  • After-Death Communication (ADC): Confirms that Life and Love are Eternal, Bill Guggenheim ( Download)
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  • Prof Kim Penberthy (clip) - After Death Communications ( Download)
  • What Happens in After Death Communications ( Download)
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  • After-Death Communications From a Soldier Son ( Download)
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