A Contentious Future The Battle If Trump Secures Victory Brian Rose Jim Rickards

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Economist & Former Advisor To The Pentagon and CIA

“How can 2024 be more challenging than 2023? Rest assured – it will be.”

As another year comes to a close, I can think of no better person to help us look ahead to 2024 than my good friend and our very own economic Nostradamus – Jim Rickards. There really is no one better placed to separate fact from fiction when it comes to matters of the global economy and the surrounding geopolitical issues.

Jim is a former lawyer and investment banker turned economist and bestselling author. He’s also the man who predicted the biggest financial crash in American history, and I’m afraid to say his current forecast for the next twelve months isn’t optimistic.

These are no normal times, but if there’s one man who has been around his fair share of financial crises and economic upheavals, it’s Jim Rickards and he believes we’re staring in the face of yet more disorder and turmoil in the near future.

As war tragically rages on two fronts we have the prospect of a truly chaotic election race in the US that Jim has described as probably “the most important of our lifetime”. Add to that mix looming recessions in China, Japan and the US and the current financial strife affecting much of Europe, and things look pretty gloomy indeed.

Jim spent over 35 years smack bang in the beating heart of Wall Street, holding senior positions at some of the world’s largest financial service institutions including Citibank, Long-Term Capital Management, and Caxton Associates.

Some will know Jim as the man who negotiated the $4 billion rescue of LTCM sponsored by the Federal Reserve, a crisis that came within hours of shutting every major securities exchange in the world.

Others will have read his New York Times bestsellers The New Great Depression, The Road to Ruin, The Death of Money, and Currency Wars.

In his most recent book – Sold Out: How Broken Supply Chains, Surging Inflation and Political Instability Will Sink the Global Economy, Jim explores the idea that consumer frustration is only the tip of a very large, menacing iceberg that threatens global economic collapse.

The book is a must-read and breaks down why the shelves in the food store are empty, who fractured the supply chain and why these shortages will persist.

During his time, Jim has advised the US Department of Defence, the US intelligence community, and major hedge funds on global financial issues, and has served as a facilitator of the first-ever financial war games conducted by The Pentagon.

He is a guest lecturer in globalisation and finance at the School of Advanced International Studies at Johns Hopkins University, Georgetown University, Trinity College Dublin, the US Army War College, and the National Defense University.

While his insights and observations are featured regularly in some of the biggest publications in the world including the Financial Times, Evening Standard, The Telegraph, New York Times, and Washington Post.

On top of all that, Jim is the editor of the financial newsletter, Strategic Intelligence, which I highly recommend for anyone trying to get a better handle on what’s really happening.

“The US election won’t be decided in November 2024. It’s being decided now.”

Jim suggests the divide between the Democrats and Republicans is probably greater than at any time in US political history since the Civil War, and as the Democrats continue to attack Trump in a truly unprecedented manner, we now see the House of Representatives has brought formal proceedings to impeach Joe Biden.

For Jim the bottom line is this: Trump could be in an orange jumpsuit behind bars in November 2024 and still be elected president, made more likely by the fact that the Democrats can’t wait to get rid of Biden.

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