7 Days Ep28 Obama Prepares To Visit Cuba Trump Reacts To Pope Criticism

Zack Yusof recaps some of the top stories of the week.

  • 7 Days EP28: Obama prepares to visit Cuba; Trump reacts to Pope criticism ( Download)
  • Obama’s Visit Aims To Deepen US-Cuba Ties ( Download)
  • Obama’s visit to Cuba seeks to strengthen ties ( Download)
  • Report: Obama Making First Pres Visit to Cuba in 80+ Yrs; Jeb Calls It a 'Tragedy' ( Download)
  • Marion Smith discusses President Obama's upcoming trip to Cuba ( Download)
  • Jeb Bush drops out, Trump wins in South Carolina ( Download)
  • SCOTUS, Trump & Pope; Football, Alcohol & Rape; Curvology ( Download)
  • Un président américain à Cuba ( Download)
  • Ni cambio dramático ni levantamiento popular en Cuba: desesperación en “The Washington Post” ( Download)
  • Carlos Curbelo on MSNBC’s The Rundown discussing President Obama’s shift in foreign policy with Cuba ( Download)
  • Obama Announces Historic Cuba Visit ( Download)
  • In Class with Carr, Ep. 56: From the Suez Canal to Haiti to Gun Violence...How Is It All Connected ( Download)
  • Rawyal News - Pope x Obama's Trump like response to reporters Negro question ( Download)
  • President Obama Hilariously Responds To A Woman Who Yells Hey Michelle ( Download)
  • Cruz on Trump's Frivolous Lawsuit ( Download)