5 Top Reasons Your Future Is Powered By Thorium Energy

Let’s not gamble with your future. It’s time to leave the past behind and enter a safe, healthy and rich new era of growth!

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Story - 5 Top Reasons Your Future is Powered by Thorium Energy

Everyone is looking for a breakthrough energy solution - thank you for being engaged and finding your way to Thorium Energy World!

Our top 5 are:

5 - it can be placed Wherever
It is walk-away safe and doesn’t have any requirements regarding location. Since it is safe and only requires air for cooling it can be placed anywhere on earth. Actually it doesn't even need air, you can power a moon base or terraforming Mars with it, heck you can even put it on a spaceship!

4 - it supplies power Whenever
It runs 24 hours per day all 365 days of the year, and even automatically adapts to changes in demand. This is due to online refueling, automatic load following and modularity.

3 - it’s Clean:
It produces neither air pollution nor any greenhouse gases like CO2. Splitting thorium doesn't emit any CO2 or air pollution. A thorium ball the size of a tennis ball would be enough to power your entire life.

2 - it’s Cheap:
It produces energy cheaper than any other, even coal and gas. This makes it globally scalable on market conditions without government subsidies or interventions. This is mainly due to its safety, high energy density, modularity and overall simplicity.

1 - it will last Forever
There is plenty of Thorium and it is found in high concentrations on all continents. It is so easy to find that we even have mapped it on the Moon and Mars (Elon Musk, maybe you are already working on it!?)! And if you want to be sustainable beyond the lifetime of our planet (or even the universe) heavy stars produce enormous amount of thorium when they die in a supernova (there is a video on that youtu.be/ovVXBpb9_bA )

With these 5 reasons Thorium Energy has what it takes to improve many of the most pressing issues of our time like overpopulation, energy poverty, climate change, air pollution, peace and health.

Let’s not gamble with your future. It’s time to leave the past behind and enter a safe, healthy and rich new era of growth!

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