331 Corrupt Superdelegates Bow Down To Shitlery Shiton Who Gives A Fuck

Before a single vote by a regular middle, working, or poor American is cast for either of the 3 Democratic candidates, these 331 folks, including Cory Booker, Barbara Boxer, Andrew Cuomo, Dianne Feinstein, Al Franken, and Sherrod Brown, have pledged allegiance to their establishment Fuhrer... so fuck 'em. We still have 4,333 delegates that haven't chosen any yet... oh wait. Bernie's got 8. Plus, there's the "57 state" primary elections coming up. Don't lose hope. Keep your eyes on the prize.

  • 331 Corrupt Superdelegates Bow Down to Shitlery Shiton... who gives a fuck!! ( Download)
  • The Democratic Delegates vs. The Snobby Elitest Aristocratic Super Delegates ( Download)
  • 4,433 Delegates Haven't Pledged Allegiance to War, The 1%, Shitlery ( Download)
  • My Weapons against Governor Cuomo ( Download)
  • Fuck Superdelegates ( Download)