⚠️tornado Warning⚠️

The "extreme tornado warning" alert from the National Weather Service is a very rare alert. It is a special issue alert that only comes up when there is a confirmed tornado spotted forming in the air or visually confirmed on the ground within 0 to 5 miles of your current location. The phone will receive these alerts automatically whether you have service on the phone or not.

For me, The tornado was a near miss, only got hit with the hail core. About a 2" layer of pea size hail fell in about 1-3 minutes onto the ground in one huge burst. The tornado skimmed through the sky and traveled east of my location until it found some flat land and dug into the farmland and tore a bunch of crops up out of the dirt, but did minimal damage to any structure. It was an EF0 or EF1 I think if I remember what the news said. The air outside was extremely salty from all the pulverized hail, just breathing stung your nose and made your tongue burn.

Video filmed on: 2/28/2017 9:37 PM