কি খাবারে বিড়ালের মৃত্যু

কি কি খাবার খাওয়ালে বিড়ালের মৃত্যু হতে পারে? Spaying কেন দরকার? প্র. ড. মো. রফিকুল আলম #Agroaid

ভিডিও ভালো লাগলে চ্যানেলটি সাবস্কাইব করুন। লাইক, কমেন্ট ও শেয়ার দিয়ে আমাদের উৎসাহিত করুন। ধন্যবাদ।
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©AgroAid Bangladesh. All Rights Reserved.
Direction & Planning : Dr. M. Ariful Islam.
E-mail: agroaid.bd@gmail.com / maislam77@gmail.com
Mobile: +88 01717 838903 / 01798 703654
®Agroaid Foundation, Bangladesh.
Foods for cat and why spaying is important for pet owner.
From this video, pet owner can learn what types of foods are dangerous for cat.
Welcome to our agriculture based YouTube channel “AgroAid Bangladesh”. It is an official channel of “AgroAid Foundation” which is non-profit, non-political and non-Governmental organization in Bangladesh. Dr. M. Ariful Islam who is the creator of this channel.

Through this channel, we broadcast various types of programs and videos:
 Agricultural information and services
 Farms and farming (agriculture, livestock / poultry, & fisheries)
 Agriculture based education and documentary
 Agro-products marketing and entrepreneurship development
 Innovated technology and agricultural mechanization
 Success or failure story of farmers and welfare of farmers
 Pet animal/birds and their welfare
 Public/farmer awareness program

And you can become part of the “AgroAid-Bangladesh” community by subscribing our channel. Thanks for watching our videos. Please be connected with us through like, comment and share.
If you have any questions, please feel free to ask us. We will try to solve the problems of farms and farmers. Thanks for your support and for being with us.
If you want to broadcast any agriculture related videos, please let us know.
Contact: 01717838903.
E-mail: agroaid.bd@gmail.com
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