When Hope Comes With Donna Aust Created In The Image Of God 117

In this powerful episode of Created In The Image of God, Donna Aust shares her remarkable journey from the depths of New Age beliefs and secular success to the transformative power of Christ.

Raised in a religious home but yearning for something more, Donna found herself entangled in a world of anxiety, rebellion, and spiritual searching. But everything changed when she encountered the undeniable truth of the Gospel.

Her latest endeavor is her new book, When Hope Comes: Discovering God's Character and Our True Identity Through the Book of Ruth. The popular understanding of this short, four-chapter book of the Old Testament is the redemption of a poor Moabite woman through the kind and God-fearing Boaz. While this understanding is not wrong, when we uncover this story's historical context and ancient setting, we begin to see underlying themes emerge. Through these contextual nuances, we learn how God providentially and graciously used the hard choices of this family, who did what was right in their own eyes and was no different from what He does for us. This story includes exile, tragedy, grief, repentance, and redemptive hope.

Tune in to listen to her testament to the life-changing impact of faith and the relentless pursuit of truth.

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  • When Hope Comes with Donna Aust | Created In The Image of God 117 ( Download)
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