The Aboriginal Outlaws Present Aliens Gave Me Lupus

You're so lucky! You get to hear this episode of The Aboriginal Outlaws Podcast!

This week we have a Make-A-Wish kid with us. The problem is he’s in his 40s.

We want to welcome Francis Terrance to the show and we chop it up good talking about toys, video games, vinyl, magic cards, and ALIENS! LOTS AND LOTS OF ALIENS! Seriously, why can’t more people admit that they’ve seen some weird shit in the sky and share their experience?

Think you’re at risk of looking like a crazy person? People already think you’re crazy and weird so just accept your fate. Josh doesn’t usually get a five-year head start on his obituaries but our guest actually gave him a deadline.

Please tune in and enjoy the show, it’s a smorgasbord of delight, a fruit salad of wonder and treasures. If you or a loved one suffers from lupus you may qualify for financial compensation.

We're The Aboriginal Outlaws, your favorite health care provider, stop in for an examination.