Supreme Court Upholds Obamacare In King V Burwell Decision

Supreme Court made a decision in King v. Burwell. 6.4 million Americans will continue receiving federal subsidies to help buy health insurance.

  • Supreme Court upholds Obamacare subsidies ( Download)
  • Health care activists applaud 'King v Burwell' decision ( Download)
  • Supreme Court Upholds Obamacare in King v. Burwell Decision ( Download)
  • What the Supreme Court's Ruling on King v Burwell Means for Connecticut ( Download)
  • King v. Burwell: What are the consequences ( Download)
  • Eight Important Facts About the King v. Burwell Decision ( Download)
  • Dr. Cassidy on America's Newsroom to discuss King v. Burwell ruling ( Download)
  • King v Burwell: SCOTUS Upholds Obamacare, Scalia Throws a Tantrum ( Download)
  • King v. Burwell: Obamacare Supporters, Critics Clash at Supreme Court ( Download)
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  • Castro Discusses Supreme Court King v. Burwell Ruling ( Download)
  • Obamacare’s new Supreme Court battle ( Download)
  • Supreme Court Upholds Obamacare Subsidies, 6-3 ( Download)
  • Avik Roy on the Supreme Court Obamacare Ruling in King v. Burwell 2015-06-25 ( Download)
  • How Does King v. Burwell Decision Affect the Affordable Care Act ( Download)