Story 4 The Battle Of Machine Gun Hill Latvia 191617 62 Missing Found Legenda Ngo

Spent the last two days on Machine Gun Hill...

The site of a fierce battle fought on Christmas 1916, two Latvian Rifle Regiments attacked the heavily fortified German positions on the high sand dune.

The Germans were not expecting any attack, in a snow blizzard at -35 Degrees, as the whistles blew around 5am, the Latvians went forward cutting the wire and making a path forwards, fighting for control of their own land under the Tsar they succeeded in taking the positions on the MG Hill.

Holding it even in a counter attack in Jan 1917. This place is sobering, the bodies laying as they were left over 100 years ago in ditches.

As far as we know now we recovered 62 Soldiers, one of the Soldiers I was digging out had a numbered medal...

We know his name and his story.

Shared for historical and educational purposes only!