Hhs Secretary Price To Durbin I Have Not Seen Senate Republicans Plan To Repeal Health Care

  • HHS Secretary Price to Durbin: I Have Not Seen Senate Republicans' Plan to Repeal Health Care ( Download)
  • Durbin Slams Secret Republican Health Care Repeal ( Download)
  • Durbin: Senate Health Care Repeal Bill Is Still A Mean Dog ( Download)
  • We Lack Answers on the Republican Health Care Bill | Sen. Brian Schatz ( Download)
  • Price Questioned on NIH Cuts, Obamacare Repeal ( Download)
  • Sen. Michael Bennet Pushes HHS Sec. Price on Medicaid Cuts ( Download)
  • Rep. Doggett Questions HHS Secretary Price on Trump Budget ( Download)
  • Cantwell Questions HHS Secretary Price on the President's Budget and Damaging Cuts to Medicaid ( Download)
  • Durbin: We’re beginning to see whose side Secretary DeVos is really on ( Download)
  • Durbin Highlights Impact of ACA on Mental Health and Substance Abuse Treatment ( Download)
  • Blunt Questions HHS Secretary Price About Religious Freedom Protections for Faith-Based Groups ( Download)
  • Smith Asks Sec. Price about Evidence-Based Funding for HHS Programs ( Download)
  • Sen. Grassley’s exchange with Secretary Price on “tweener” hospital program ( Download)
  • Republicans Trying to Pass Healthcare Disaster in Secret ( Download)
  • Republicans at a disadvantage in health care reform because of messaging ( Download)