Floor Speech King V Burwell March 4 2015

  • Floor Speech - King v Burwell, March 4 2015 ( Download)
  • Avik Roy on Obamacare's King v. Burwell Oral Argument 2015-03-04 ( Download)
  • King v Burwell Petitioner's Full Oral Argument ( Download)
  • Senator Murphy Delivers Remarks on High-Stakes King v. Burwell Case ( Download)
  • King v. Burwell Explained in 3 Minutes ( Download)
  • Hatch on Senate Floor on King v. Burwell ( Download)
  • King vs Burwell ( Download)
  • King v. Burwell: Why the IRS Obamacare Handouts Should Lose at the Supreme Court ( Download)
  • King v. Burwell: Obamacare Supporters, Critics Clash at Supreme Court ( Download)
  • King v. Burwell Decision Could Exacerbate Disparities in US ( Download)
  • Attorneys on Obamacare: King v. Burwell hinges on tax subsidies ( Download)
  • Friday, June 05, 2015: King v. Burwell: The Facts and Implications ( Download)
  • #DontTakeMyCare - The Consequences of King v Burwell ( Download)
  • King v. Burwell: Standing Up to the IRS ( Download)
  • Dr David Blumenthal Weighs in on the Effect of King v. Burwell Decision ( Download)