Find Better Meetup Groups For Networking

Learn how to use Meetup to promote your business, and uncover why one powerful strategy is to simply start a Meetup Group of your own!

► 5-Step Networking Follow Up Blueprint (Download):

► Are you a coach or marketer who wants to make more of an impact? Stay connected to grow your business!:

-- How to use Meetup to Promote Your Business --
In this video we look at one very powerful networking strategy - which is to start a Meetup group of your own in order to grow your business. Many entrepreneurs use Meetup to find events to attend, but creating your own group can have some tremendous benefits for your business.

We cover the top reasons to start your own meetup AND the steps needed to do exactly that. As a bonus, we also give you our top tips on how to get your new Meetup group off to a great start!

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