Comotion La 23 Smart Roads Safe Journeys Adapting To New Mobility Trends

Panel - Smart Roads, Safe Journeys: Adapting to New Mobility Trends

In an increasingly digitized world, things that can’t be codified into data - informal or offgrid transit systems, pedestrian behavior, or unexpected disruptions, can often be missed by the systems used to move us around. For emerging modes like micromobility, little exists to guide regulators and planners towards safe policies and urban forms. Join a conversation with those in the private sector innovating and expanding access to new data on safety in micromobility, and those in the public sector weaving it into safer streets.

Jiaqi Ma, Director, UCLA; FHWA Center of Excellence on New Mobility & AVs
Thibault Castagne, CEO, Villanova
Bryan Ovalle, CEO, Hello Llama AI
Anna Roach, Executive Director & CEO, Atlanta Regional Commission
Andrew Glass Hastings, Executive Director, Open Mobility Foundation (Moderator)

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